Barton Rural School is a rural school located 6km West of Timaru with approximately 170 students.

Barton Rural School came about as an amalgamation of Fairview and Claremont Schools in 2005. The Fairview and Claremont area has traditionally been a farming one. These days, however, there seems to be plenty of change going on in the district as new families move into the area to take up the great opportunities that lifestyle blocks create. 

The school is more than ably supported by an excellent teaching staff that is thoroughly committed to their profession and an amazing support staff!

The school is complimented by a very hard working Home and School, and an up to date Board of Trustees. In tandem, these organisations provide the pupils of Barton Rural School with an excellent base to their education.

In addition Barton is proud of our close knit community with strong whanau support. 

The school has an enrolment zone to manage the roll. Barton Rural School has had an enrolment zone since 2013. Only children within this zone can now enrol at the school.  Barton Rural School Enrolment Zone